Thomson Tour Policy 2024/25

Thomson Tour Policy

1. Membership

          1. Tour Membership is open to all Professional Golfers.
          2. The Thomson Tour reserves the right to refuse any membership application.
          3. To obtain membership completed on-line application through our Golf Genius platform together with the appropriate fee, payable by card or by calling 07968 943503 for alternative methods.
          4. No refunds will be given if a Member resigns or is banned.
          5. Amateurs with Handicaps of 5 or less may apply for membership.
          6. Previous years Championship and OOM winners are exempt from membership fees.

2. Event Entry

          1. Thomson Tour events are open to all Professional Golfers.
          2. Entry fee per tournament is £60.
          3. Non member entry to events will be £80 per event, and restricted to 5 places per event.
          4. ONLY FULL MEMBERS will be eligible for The Tour Championship and the Order of Merit bonus.
          5. Any amateur with a handicap of 5 or better may apply for membership.
          6. Professionals are given preference with the awarding of starting places.
          7. Entry to each event will be on a first come first served basis.
          8. One entry at each event will be available for the host club professional or assistant.

3. Tournament Format

          1. 18 holes Stroke play over 1 day played in 2 or 3 balls and will be played in accordance with The Rules of Golf as prescribed by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
          2. Pro Am Tournaments are 18 hole stoke play and team better ball  with teams made up of 1 Professional and 1 Amateur played in 4 balls.
          3. Local rules will apply at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

4. Tournament Field

          1. The Field size is limited to 60. Pro Am field size is limited to 50 teams.
          2. Based on first come, first served basis.
          3. Further details can be given on request.

5. Tee Times

          1. Tee Time preference for events, for those travelling together will be given whenever possible, also a late start time may be requested.
          2. All requests cease at 6:00pm on the Closing date preceding each event.

6. Tour Schedule

          1. As per the “Schedule” Page on the website.

7. Prize-Money

          1. In the event of a tie for first place prize money will be divided equally between them.
          2. In the event of a tie at the Tour Championship, the result will be determined by a sudden death play-off. All runners up will be deemed to have come second and the place money will be divided equally between them.
          3. All winnings will be paid by bank transfer within 7 days of tournament completion. 

8. Order of Merit

          1. The Order of Merit will be determined solely by Points allocation. The top 3 players in the final Order-of-merit will receive a percentage of the bonus fund.

9. The Thomson Tour Championship and Order-of Merit

          1. From the prize fund of each event approx 5% will be deducted, 50% will be added to the Tour Championship Prize Fund and 50% will be added to the Order-of Merit Bonus Prize Fund.
          2. The Championship Prize Fund could then be larger than regular tour events.
          3. Members wishing to play in The Tour Championship must reach a minimum of 250 points on the Order of Merit after the Final event of the season leading up to the championship.

10. Entry Procedure

          1. Entries are made through the Golf Genius portal.
          2. Entry fees are to be paid before the tournament.
          3. The draw will be made 48 hours before the event and will be published on the website and individual Tee-Times will be sent via text.
          4. It is the player’s responsibility to inform us of any change to their mobile number or email.

11. Closing Date for Entries

          1. Entries will be taken up to 18:00 of the closing date of the event.
          2. Entries are limited, entries are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

11. Registration

          1. Players must register at the Tournament Office at least 15 minutes before their Tee-Time.
          2. Players failing to register may be withdrawn from the tournament.
          3. Appeals subject to Thomson Tour discretion.
          4. A player is fully registered when The Thomson Tour has received all personal details and outstanding fees. These must be paid in full before commencement of play.
          5. Late payment, on the day of Tournament play, must have prior approval, exceptional circumstances only.

12. Tournament Withdrawals

          1. Withdrawal after closing date of a tournament will incur a £30 charge, payable immediately, half entrance fee will be refunded.
          2. Players withdrawing giving minimum correct notice will receive a full refund of entry fees.
          3. Any competitor who fails to show for allocated tee time will result in a £60 fine. (loss of entry fee)
          4. All fines must be paid before any future entry will be accepted.
          5. Fines are at the discretion of The Thomson Tour.
          6. No fines will be applied for a withdrawal due to a late call-up for a European Tour or Challenge Tour Event.

13. Membership and Tournament Fees

          1. Membership Fees are published on the website.
          2. Late entries and Non Members must pay all fees before play.
          3. The “no pay, no play” policy remains if force for 2024/25, all fees and fines must be paid before a player will be permitted to “tee-up” in any event.

14. Player’s Responsibilities

          1. To abide by the Rules and etiquette of Golf.
          2. To ensure speed of play.
          3. To report to the tee/starter and be ready to play at least 10 minutes before his allotted tee time.
          4. If the player is late and not ready to play when called he may be disqualified.
          5. A player late due to traffic conditions is at fault and will forfeit his entry fee. A later time slot may be offered if possible at the discretion of the tournament controller, notification must be made as early as possible in such circumstances.
          6. Note: The official, tournament controller clocks/watches, are deemed to be the official time.
          7. To observe the one ball rule for each tournament round.
          8. Treat the golf course and its members with respect at all times, repair pitch marks and repair bunkers on leaving, failure to repair a bunker during Tournament play, will incur a £50 fine.
          9.  Abuse of golf course property or Thomson Tour equipment will incur a £100 fine.
          10. To ensure that Caddies, Fore-Caddies, friends and family when walking ahead of the playing group do not go out of sight of the players.
          11. It is expected that the top five players stay for prize giving, absentees must have prior approval, exceptional circumstances only. – NB The expectation to stay is temporarily waived due to Covid restrictions. 

15. Players and Caddies Attire

          1. The proper on course attire is required at all times.
          2. Hats & waterproofs must be removed before entering the clubhouse.
          3. The Thomson Tour reserves the right to require all Professionals and caddies to remove or cover-up any logo deemed to be inappropriate.
          4. The wearing of Jeans, Shorts or Collarless vests is not permitted.
          5. Soft spikes are preferred by all host courses and therefore are mandatory for all events.
          6. Players must ensure that their caddies observe the dress code.
          7. Caddies must wear “trainer” type footwear only, not spikes. (Caddies may wear tailored shorts.)

16. GPS or Laser Assistance

          1. Approved, with the exception of Lasers with slope fitted, which are not permitted even if turned off.

17. Buggies and Trolleys

          1. Buggies are not allowed, however players may use powered or pull trolleys, at the discretion of the host club.

18. Mobile Telephones

          1. The use of mobile phones is prohibited on the Golf Course during Tournament play, except, as for use of scoring through the tours app.
          2. Failure to abide by this code will result in disqualification.
          3. We would also respectfully ask players not to use their mobile telephones in the clubhouse, on the practice tee or during practice rounds.

19. Slow Play

          1. It is a requirement that all groups keep pace with the preceding group, NOT just to keep ahead of the group behind!
          2. Unless there is a mitigating circumstance i.e. a ruling is required (in which case the group behind should be called through). Then the following will apply:
          3. One bad time: Warning from official.
          4. Two bad times: One stroke penalty.
          5. Three bad times: Disqualification.

Timings will be as follows:

•Timing will commence when a group is out of position i.e. more than one hole behind the group ahead or failing to adhere to the recommended timings, which are;

•Par 3’s 12 minutes, Par 4’s 14 minutes & Par 5’s 17 minutes.

•The player first to play an approach shot (which includes a par 3 tee shot, chip or putt) has 50 seconds in which to execute his shot.

•The second or third players have 40 seconds in which to execute their shots.

•Timing will start when the player is deemed to be ready to play.

•If these timings are exceeded then the player will be given a bad time.

•Play “ready golf” be prepared to play before it’s your turn, walk between shots at a good pace.

20. Appeals Procedures

          1. Any appeal regarding penalties must be referred to the Tournament Director immediately after the round is completed and before the card is signed.
          2. Tournament closure. The tournament is deemed to have closed 30 minutes after the last group have left the registration area.
          3. In all cases the Tournament Director’s decision is final.
          4. The Tournament Director reserves the right to alter or amend the Rules and Regulations in the interest and the future well being of the Thomson Tour.

21. Grievances

          1. If you have any grievance with The Thomson Tour please discuss it with the Directors first.

22. Suspension of Play

          1. In the event of play being suspended due to thunderstorm / electrical activity, signalled by 1 long blast on the klaxon, immediately mark your ball and seek the nearest area of shelter.
          2. Resumption of play will be signalled by 2 long blasts on the klaxon.
          3. If play has to be suspended for any other reason, signalled by 2 short blasts on the klaxon then players may choose either:
            – To mark the ball, or finish the hole currently in play.
            – All players must then report directly to the Tournament Registration Office.
            – Not until the players have been given permission, may play resume.

23. Course Unfit for Play

          1. In the event of a Tournament being cancelled due to adverse weather conditions the Tour will try to find an alternative venue. This however cannot be guaranteed.
          2. We will do all in our power to replace any cancelled event.
          3. 18 holes must be completed by all competitors in order for an event to have been staged.
          4. Payment for facility fees will be taken from entry fees in the circumstance that the tournament is abandoned once play has commenced. Remaining entry fees will be funded.

24. Media/Sponsors

            1. Please respect the Tour and Sponsors when dealing with the media.
            2. It is a Tournament entry requirement that that all players will be available for any media duties, including interviews, sponsorship presentations, press photographs and all television requirements.

          25. Tournament Cancellations

            1. The Thomson Tour reserves the right to cancel any of their tournaments for any reason that it deems necessary.
          • -In the unlikely event of a tournament cancellation 100% off all entry fees will be refunded to the players within 7 working days.

            • 2. Players acknowledge that The Thomson Tour cannot be held accountable for any additional expenses incurred & loss of earnings in the event of a tournament cancellation.
            • -If the tournament is cancelled prior to the scheduled date, the tour will endeavour to find an alternative venue. The player acknowledges this may not be possible.
            • 3. The Thomson Tour we will endeavour to reschedule any tournament that is cancelled prior to its scheduled date due to adverse weather or course conditions.
            • 4. The Thomson Tour will do all that it can to replay any tournament that is cancelled during tournament play.
            • 5. 18 holes must be completed by all competitors in order for the event to have been staged and completed
            • 6. The tour maintains the right to cancel any tournament up to the entry deadline, should numbers of participants be too low to sustain an effective professional tournament.
          • 7. In the extreme case where lockdown laws prevent The Tour from providing a service or the consumer from receiving it or The Tour is cancelled after events have commenced you may be entitled to a partial refund of your Membership Fee pro-rated for the remaining months of the Tour Schedule although we reserve the right to deduct a reasonable contribution to the costs it has already incurred in relation to the specific contract in question (where it cannot recover them elsewhere). These cases are likely to be relatively rare and the costs that may be deducted from refunds will usually be limited.
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